Not everything is what it seems?

From what you can see, this leaf looks like it has been stopped in time and captured by me to showcase something so beautiful.

By any means, this photo is amazing, and it was an off chance that it was floating in the air via a spider web. I set the photo to blur out the background (and the spider web), so it gave the illusion.

My thoughts on sharing the photo with family and friends are really positive, and had created the "WOW" effect. I feel it was a matter of being in the right place at the right time.

To have that brain-wave of the idea before I thought the process such as a good idea or not? My mind said roll with it and you will be rewarded. If you have a good feeling about something or anything that makes you happy, you need to take that chance and make the most of that moment to harness its power.

photo by Adrian Todd Photography


Deep in the Water