The path to natures back yard.

I am now starting a new journey with my photography.

When I set out to search for different locations to take inspirational photos of nature, I feel a sense of purpose to be there and capture the moment.

Everything happens for a reason.

Seeing the end product of my work is truly amazing, but I never talk about how or what draws me to take the photo. Sometimes, I never know what draws me to take it.

The photograph below is of a hidden forest I know and visit many times. Sometimes, I go there to reset my thoughts, and other times to find the perfect shot.

This photo means to me that if I ever feel the need to take some photos, I should walk down the path and see what nature has to offer. Every time of the month at this hidden location is different, but it's always a joy to be there.

You can find peace, joy, and mystery all in one photo. These are the key elements of my photography, and sharing that feeling on my blog is something I am more than happy to do.

photo by Adrian Todd Photography


Not everything is what it seems?